Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Aug 2009: Subaru Legacy A/C water leak in passenger foot well

Observed Symptoms:

wet carpet in passenger foot well. Was stinking like a wet dog.


Initial thought was that rain water was leaking in. But noticed that the carpet was wet even after several dry days. On a long trip to Chicago we noticed that water was dripping from behind the glove compartment. Leaking water was clean and odorless.

Water dripping observed during A/C mode and not during heater mode.

Removed panel below glove compartment. This panel has a paper/cloth air filter on the inside. This panel had a lot of water accumulation and the filter was wet as well

Reached conclusion it was A/C unit condensation water

Saw water leaking from the A/C unit towards the center console end

This is the drain tube running from the A/C unit onto the underside of the car

Researched on the internet for similar issue on other cars and one suggestion was to check on A/C water drain pipe which drains the water out of the vehicle cab onto the road. This tube sometimes collects debris and gets blocked.

Plan of Action:

Identify location of A/C water drain tube. Try to remove drain tube and clean it out

Replacement Parts:


Tools and accessories:

Rhino ramps
Plastic Syringe
Flash light

Repair Procedure:

STEP 1: Drive the car up the ramps. Jack and stands is not needed for this level of work

STEP 2: Crawl underneath the passenger front side to see the water drain tube

This tube is routed through a plastic clip to keep it awat from the exhaust pipe. There was not water draining out of this tube with A/C on while water was leaking inside the cab

STEP 3: Insert plastic syringe tip into the drain tube opening and pull back the syringe piston. This will create a vacuum pressure and suck the accumulated water along with whatever debris is clogging it. In my case about 1-2 qts water drained out

STEP 4: Switch on car and turn on A/C. Again crawl underneath the car and ensure water is not flowing out of the drain tube

That is it. Hopefully this tube will not clog again. But if it does you know what to do

Make sure you treat yourself with a cool beer for your effort!


  1. Same problem on 2010 Outback, we had over 2cm deep water on the passenger floor. Found a big "flavor injector" syringe at a supermarket and followed your steps and its fixed. We were during 8 hours today so you saved us a real headache.

  2. Thank you for posting this! Same problem in my 09 Legacy, used a turkey baster to unclog the tube. :)

  3. Glad to see you got that drain fixed! Must have been a nightmare in a car. Drain Cleaning in Bronx could have helped.
